Monday, August 11, 2008

GOODBYE is the HARDEST word to SAY.

Damn!!One of my wives leaving today freak it man...Have you ever met someone who you know instantly that that's the kinda person you need on your rainy day? Well she's one of that people..Haven't been in contact with her for bout 7 years now..And finally we met again..Through MSN!!HAHA..She was in Alabama that time...And I was Emo-ing over all my problems..Did some really stupid stuff that i kinda regret now..Told her everything.. Can you believe she got someone here in Penang to watch out for me!That was sweet...Anyway.. Yeah she's just always there when i need her and she turns my frown upside down.. Can't imagine all the stupid stuff i would have done if we never have met... And Finally!!!She came back from Alabama for her summer..And we met up!!Went out for alcohol..And she's really pretty!!.Haha And I've found another person to accompany me get drunk!!(But we didn't that night) Went to Sunset Bistro together with my god bro,sister and another of my senior Jo.Cool gal...Had loads of fun talking to them...Cheryl had a Heineken and I had a cocktail..Sex On The Beach..Haha..It was alright.She's just a very sweet person to hang out with.. THEN!!One day she came to school!!!To visit me!!!!Was half way sketching out a graffiti for my friend when all of a sudden I heard ppl shouting my name, that there was someone here to see me!!It was HER!! Haha.. De Ja Vu all over again..Same thing happened in Std3... Haha...I was like OH MY GOODNESS!!! And just ran out and hugged her..I was just......... she wanted to surprise me...Haha well she did a VERY good job...After roaming round the school..I walked her back and went back to class...Couldn't stop laughing and smiling for the remaining of the day.. It's just really sweet knowing that you have someone that cares that you know is always there for you..which makes it all the harder to say GOODBYE! Then on 11 Aug 2008..We met for the last time cause she was flying back the next day...She came to our house to visit both me and my sis and we dog was getting in the way though...kept on bouncing here and there...ON CHERYL!!! round 1.05 she had to go..I walked her down and said goodbye....and!!....Gave her a kiss on her cheek..I dint know what had gotten into me i just gave her a kiss...I think i shocked her..I shocked MYSELF!!Haix.. Then the next day in school was so emo... Her flight leaves at 3.20... And it's 1.06!!! Aint it so sad.. well at least i got to see her yesterday.. for the last time!!..BUT!!!!! At 2.43p.m she called me..Said our last goodbyes and this and that.. And at eyes started to water...Was about to cry..Cause it's just sad knowing that You haven't been able to spend as much time as you wanted to with someone that you care for and their leaving so soon... 12.34a.m (13 Aug 2008)- Received a message from her!!!Told me bout her flight schedule and when she's reaching...was freaking happy!!

FREAK IT!!! Hope she comes back next year...

DON'T GO TO CHICAGO!!!COME BACK AND VISIT ME FIRST!!... Haha...she cracks me up EVERYTIME...Glad i have such a sweet person..

Did a graffiti for her..its done!!Took me round 5hours!!But..It's worth it..GOSH!! did it at 12 finished at 5.. IN THE MORNING!!

FRAME it UP!!Haha she took it together with her to Alabama...

Haha...Imma miss you loads baby!!Take care!!Love You Always Babes.. Dedicated to Missy C <3


Anonymous said...

omg that picture is fugly. we'll take more pics with my new cam next time around when im back!
love ya and love the post. it makes me wanna cry. seriously.