Thursday, June 4, 2009


**If you can't understand what I'm talking bout. Can't blame you, cause right now I'm just sooo........... BLUARGHHHH!!!!

I feel, LOST. I think I do. I'm not sure. ( see, this is why I said I feel lost )
Life really packs a punch.
Package 1 - Parents
Package 2- Friends
Package 3- Parents and Friends

Just received a fresh Package 3.
Shall I elaborate??
Nahh, too personal. Well at least I got it off on a few people. Sigh. Oh btw, thanks for listening V and J.
Sigh, anyway. I would like to take this opportunity to thank whoever it was who came up with the idea of BLOGGING.

You have given teenagers a site where they have the right to vent their anger~
And not get into trouble. ** Excluding Raja Petra.

I don't know where this post is leading.
I'm just so....
that I don't know what else to say.
I'll just end it here...
Till then guys =)

.::I hope these feelings,
these damned scrambled feelings
within me,
will disappear.
I'm sure it will::.
Colour describing me today- Dull Purple

Monday, June 1, 2009


Gosh! Damn! Shit! Arrgh!
Lol haven't been updating my blog! My bad. Been busy, and Lazy, and..... ultimately, been lazy. hehe. Anyway, here I am! Updating my half dead blog. Bluargh!
Aight, let's start with Friday ( forgot the date/5/2009).
went to Gurney with Sally,Sugar,Gie,Wei,Rene and Sheau Han.
Bathed at Eileen's house first though with Sally and Wei. Then we headed off to Gurney!
Met the others there. First place we went... MNG.
I dunno WHAT I was doing there. Was kinda...LOST cause if you guys don;t know me enough, That's not my style of place. Anyway, still tagged along. After we met up with the rest, we went to get our movie tickets! Watched Night At The Museum 2. Was soooo funny!
But before the movie, went to MegaQ where I had an ass whooping. DAMN!
No longer pro at playing snooker & pool.
Practice practice practice!
Loser paid.
Which obviously was me. T.T
Accompanied Rene back. We were already late for our movie which started at 3.10. got there at 3.40. Well didn't miss much. Thankfully.
After the movie, Sheau Han and I snucked into ANOTHER movie. Haha we were practically running around the whole place. Too bad Gie and the rest didn't get to follow. Lol Know why people?

Cause they aint PRO! Muahahaha...
Watched Angels and Demons. Sat couple seat! Lol. But eventually had to leave, cause I was getting hungry. Met the rest at MNG, and went to eat at MCD.
Played a lil more then had to leave. Sobs Sobs.

Oh and I met so many people there that day. Maybelle,Esther,Robert and seniors and loads more.

My favourite part, PICTURES!