Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's been going on

Well, my life is never dull and boring. As soon as it looks that way, something or someone will just find its way up and colour my day colourful. Hahah. Today is the 7th April. My Sayangs' Birthday.
Unfortunately she couldnt make it to school today. Sick. What a date to pick to fall sick, but it aint her fault. Niway, got her a box of the all famous, all delicious and most important of all, the all EXPENSIVE, OVERLY PRICED...... Fereroroche ( Hope I spelled it correctly ) and, a ring.
Engraved with the words.

My Sayang
Went through a hell load of trouble to get it, but its worth it. I miss her. Niway, i called her and we chatted for whatever time we had to chit chat. ( She's sick you see ) Then watched somemore TV. ** I blog bout what JUST happened. If I have to talk bout my whole day, the post wouldnt be this SHORT.**
Picking up from TV. ----> and now I'm blogging. Tadaa!
Oh oh oh! F.Y.I people. I'll be helping Mr.Kelvin on sports day. TeeHee!