Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well I guess my post title pretty much says it all. You see, fuckers aint hard to find. They breed like cockroaches in the sewer. They stink, they're ugly, and they don't know proper English!Haha there's one HUGE, UGLY, ELEPHANT DUNG FILLED BRAIN, MESSED UP PERSONALITY, PUNY EYED SKANK OF A HUMAN that rots in MGS. Dude, I aint making it sucha a HUGE problem that we aint on talking terms aight. It just baffled me FOR THAT SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. You don't see me sticking knives into myself over it do you. Know why?CAUSE YOU AINT A BIG A DEAL TO ME!Shit of a person thinks she has made sucha huge impact on my life that I need to worry bout her moods, that I make sucha big deal out of it. Well, EARTH TO COCKROACH! YOU DON'T! And don't be talking to me like you hate it. You know, I pretty much hate talking to you too. It's like a part of me dies inside just looking at your face. Imagine what happens hearing your voice. And if you have a PROBLEM with MY sister. Take it somewhere else ho. Hey, heads up. You have a sister too. And the last time I checked. She aint THAT popular. And to THAT double-faced-bitch-of-a-person, SHUT UP. NO ONE likes you! I know what you're up to.

Monday, March 23, 2009

What Happened Today.

Well, nothing much went down today. Got a couple of our test results. OMGosh! I DID NOT fail Moral. Me and Von didn't fail! Hallelujah! Received a gift today from Thexeilia. A necklace with the initial S. It's awesomely sweet. Love it. Thanks girl. Well, nothing really outstanding happened today. We did however have lunch at New World Park. The journey there however was quite eventful. Knowing us, we didn't use the traffic light to cross road. Instead we crossed the road like chickens on crack. The we : ..::~Shan~Ruth~Von~Porky Wong~Shannen~::.
Well obviously we managed to get there and back safely of course or I wouldn't be writing this post would I. But I think something possessed Porky, why? She called a lorry a BUS. And she was screaming all the way to New World. We were all in public! Anyway..

What we ordered....
Shan: Maggi Goreng
Ruth: Duck Noodles
Von : Loh Mee
Shannen:Ice Kacang

Additional orders...
1. Cucuk Udang
2. Loh Bak
3. ANOTHER Ice Kacang

All those added up = 5 really full students.
After lunch, walked slowly back to school. Stopped at Continental Bakery though to get Porky's Seaweed Cheese Muffin. Ever heard of that before? Me neither. Our journey then brought us to the cold embrace of Giant. Hey, Penang weather. You should know what I mean. So we chilled there for a while then continued our hazardous way back to school.
Nothing interesting happened after that. The usual... Yell at marchers...Hanged out with buddies..Yell some more at my marchers....Went for house practice.....Practiced javelin.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A couple of things that i simply LOVE.

There are a couple of things in this world that I really love, and I mean REALLY love.Example?

........................Haha I'm sure this picture says it all. Well I just gave myself a stupid excuse to create this post. The real reason is.....I just wanted to show off this picture!Haha so there...there..THERE!!

Oh, I really DO love money. Pfft, who doesn't?