Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Camping At Pulau Tikus Island.

Three words to describe that awesome adventure.

Seriously,it was just...ohhhh.Fun,Thrilling,Freaky,Scary.That camp was not for the faint hearted,you know the suei cheah.Reached Ice's house at round 5.30 in the evening,set sail at round 7.

We had to make two trips,due to the amount of people and the boat we had which could only accommodate 11 including the driver.Me,sis,dad,Claudin,Shaun,Jem,Alvin,2 maids,the driver and Rynn.We were all tucked into that lil tipsy boat.The current was strong and the amount of jellyfish we saw was shocking,enough to put the jellyfishes on spongebob squarepants to shame.The size and colour!GOSH!That's what you get from the Penang water.

We reached there at round 7.30 and started to set up the place.There were many rocks,humongous ones,covered with barnacles which were razor grated my feet like they were cheese!So now,my feet looks like its infected with something nasty.But slowly,it's getting better.At around 8.15 the rest of the party reached and we had 15 minutes of prayers and some sing songs.After that we headed to our shelter,well where we stored all our food and stuff.It was a hard hike,we had to climb huge rocks,crawl under them,try not to slip and balance ourselves with all our baggage.And guess where our shelter was!!!Beside a cemetery.We were 5 steps from a malay cemetery.Alvin,Shaun,me and a few other guys had a hoot playing in the cemetery up till one of our lamps burst.We immediately stopped and helped set up around.

After a light snack,it was around 9.The guys and I headed down to go fishing.Again,we had to climb,crawl,jump,balance and try not falling.Our team were split up to 2 groups.Each group climbed onto a high rock and set out on a fishing competition.Unfortunately our team didn't catch anything.But Ivans team did.We were having so much fun,we didn't notice that high tide was approaching,fast!When i turned around,the beach was gone,the sea had swallowed it up.Our trail back to shelter was gone.So all of us decided to camp on the rocks.Alvin jumped into the water and hurt himself badly,Robert and Ice wrestled each other and Jeremy was hopping here and there.(the adults were fishing on their own on a boat)

Shaun decided to go get his sleeping bag from the shelter,so me and my sis tagged along.The water was WAIST HIGH!!We slowly waded our way back,occasionally scraping our feet on hard rocks and tripping here and there.We couldn't see anything cause it was freaking dark and all we had as light was Shauns phone.After getting water,chips,Shauns sleeping bag and Jems bag we headed back.I took care of my sisters phone.Half way back,i slipped trying to help my sister steady herself and fell into the water.My everything was wet,except her phone...Urghh.Got up and continued.Suddenly while trying to locate the correct way back,our 'locater' Shaun,nearly stepped on a stingray!!Bloody hell,imagine what would've happened.And help was not anywhere near us.Luckily he managed to pull his leg back before anything bad happened.

The water level had went up and was over my waist.It was increasing...FAST.Oh and i found out that Robert's scared of darkness!Haha! We got back we climbed onto our rock.But after 30 minutes the water level covered the rock and everyone moved onto a higher one.But I stayed,together with Alvin.He couldn't move cause he was injured.So,being a good friend I stayed with him.WE ARE THE SPARTANS!!!!!!!Water level started increasing drastically.The situation was getting dangerous.All of a sudden,Alvin yelped and screamed in pain.When asked what happened,he said he got stung by a jellyfish!!!Ahhhhhhh!!!And I was just a few inches away from him!So we did what we could think of,we started marching,on the rock.Haha,hey it helped!Well it helped me,cause Alvin got stung again.We stood on the rock for nearly an hour.Finally,Our parents came back and rescued us.We were supposed to spend the night on the island but it was too dangerous.

We sat the boat back to Ice's house and stayed the night.It was round 2 in the morning when i went to sleep.

Pictures will be uploaded soon.