Sunday, March 29, 2009


OMG looks like someone got off the wrong side of the bed. Taking everything bad and incredibly connecting it to herself! BAH! Hmmm, attitude problem. You seem to have that too. Stuck up? Well, that's just wrong. I don't think you understand the meaning of those two words, of those syllables. Stuck up means 'sombong'. And in case you hadn't noticed. I aint stuck up you dim witted mongrel. Boo Hoo Nobody likes me. I don make a big deal out of it now do I? For a person with, attitude problems, stuck ed up and not many friends I think I'm holding up just fine thank you.O.o you wanna talk bout looking pretty?At least I dont look like I just had my eyeballs shrunk ed three times its usual size. You stupid Korean.KIMCHI.You preserved vegetabale You, which totally looks like you got your eye balls Botoxed and it had a really really BAD side effect. Yerghh. Only someone like YOU would ask other people whether or not you look pretty. Haha F.Y.I, I dont do that. Try asking someone if you look good?They'd probably drop dead. No wonder the death rate's increasing drastically. Oh well! Oh stop bringing up the OLD 'what-class-I'm-in' trick. It might not be BORING for you, but it is to everyone. Ohh wait, you dont care,cause all you care about is just trying to make yourself a bigger sucker than you already are. Hey, I PUKED when I saw YOUR name on the drama script already. Dont hold your breath on that. If I want to think that people like me, then that's MY problem. None of YOURS! So just turn around, wag your tail and FUCK OFF! TEEHEE.
This is the last post I'm EVER gonna write bout that useless piece of shit.Why?????
Because it's taking up all my blog space!
P/S, she'd probably copy me by saying that it's her last blog post bout me as well.TeeHee!Copy Cat!