Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some People Just Don't Know What They Got Till It's Gone.

Damn!Are some people just plain stupid.The word itself stamped across their forehead for the whole world to see.Add some flashing light and they might be your next Christmas tree.Lol.
What are friends actually?People who are ALWAYS there for you?People who listen to your braggings and still look interested after half an hour of non stop brags?People who are always by your side when you get yourself into a sticky spot?Or people who are always there,shopping with you?Hahaha,well i think that a friend is someone who does all of those plus just appreciating your presence and not expecting anything else from you.Oh and obviously keeping your secrets.I pride myself of being a kinda okay certain people.Haha.But sometimes,whatever you do for your so called friends,just backfires on you.It sucks,trust me it does.But what the hell.Its life innit?The thing is,some people just rely on other people too much that when you leave them,you completely kill them.

I cared for this group of people so much,i guess too much cause they ended up taking advantage.But im still there,but not for long.I can only take so much.I'm only human.What kinda friend do you pride yourself as?Whatever you guys want,i did it for you all.But going behind my back and doing the stuff i hate the most just aint cool.And i aint aight with it.Well do what you want.Just stop expecting me to do the things you want me to do.I'm sick and tired of it.Well at least I'm glad i found my bunch of shoulders to lean on.Thanks so much guys.
Chloe,Yvonne L,Esther L,Shaz,Mummy,Sofia,Prav,Eve,Min San,Michelle,Shu Yoong,MissyC,Bufuk,Asmat,Mummy Lynn,Amy,Mummy Jemimah,Kristine,Man Ying and of course my large family.These are a couple of people i know i can trust and they know they can trust me,no matter what.

I love you guys.