Thursday, June 25, 2009


Woot babeh! Gang show rocked the hizz-ouse!Awwww!!!!!!!

***She sailed away,
On a lovely summer day,
On the back of a CROCODILE,
You see said SHE,
He's tame as tame can be,
I'll ride him down the Nil,
MR.CROCK winked his eye,
As the lady waved goodbye...
Wearing a happy smile,
At the end of the ride,
The lady was INSIDE,
And the smile was on the CROCODILE!***

Crocodile = Me (Shanese, duh)
She = Ruth Chua aka my tormentor! Den den den!

Sigh, how I wish I could really eat her up! BUT, life would be so... Painless without her. Wait that's a good thing. Life would also be, scar less. Haha. Hang on, oh yeah was supposed to be talking bout how boring life would be without that hyper-active, giggling googling, bouncy-bouncy angel disguised as a human.

I would like to thank you for everything you've done for me. I know I SOMETIMES loose my temper on you, and you ALWAYS loose your temper on me. Hang on I lost my point. Kk, got it, regardless of that I love you girl! Yes! I said it, more like typed it cause I don't think I'll live to see the sunset if ever I would have the courage to say it to you face to face.
You're an awesome girl, behind the compass stabbing, skin pinching, teeth biting, scissors cutting anything you see,loud screaming, mood swinginging layer.
I guess that's what makes you special. So just want to thank you for all your advices that you have given me all through these years. And thank you for not killing me. TeeHee!

Yes, well as you guys might have already know, Ruth is Lady Ming and I'm the CROCODILE * Rowl*. And yes, she did SIT on ME in front of urmm let's see... 100 people?

Gang show was held on the 20 June. ( Sorry for taking ages to upload a post bout it) And it was AWESOME!

We were kicking our asses about the whole time. Running here and there, fixing up the props and arriving there early for no apparent reason! But it was cool, and I wouldn't mind doing it again.
We saw many awesome performances. One by our friend Vennezia and Chanthana. ( Freaking awesome dancers btw) and many more. Well the day was too long to write it out and my fingers are aching me for some strange reason I will never find out why.
I might elaborate further soon. Might. Maybe. Possibly. Not sure. Don't hold your breath.


Yeah baby we're spinnin those weels man!