Sunday, April 19, 2009


Had stomach cramps on Friday. Couldn't make it to school. Missed out on NIE picture taking. Yikes!! It was BLO*DY painful!!! No idea why. Been experiencing all these..... feelings.... since the day I got food poisoning.

Went to old folks home on Saturday. Slept at 4.00 a.m and got up at 6.30 a.m so I was pretty set to being hyper throughout the rest of the day. Reached school at 7.10. Waited for sister to come. Went down to sign up first. Met Charm on the way in. Singed up, collected our burger and drinks. Pn. Loke assigned us to be the look out for the bus. Hahaha. The BUS.
Sorry, just had a very hilarious flashback bout me and Charm which involved the bus.
Niway, was outside with her. Talking...Crapping... and stuff.
The bus arrived around 7.40 a.m. Lined up and boarded the bus. Oh..btw, there were 2 buses.
2! Imagine the how many of us were going.
Reached around 8.15.

On the way, was practicing my MC-ing with Florence and another girl which I'm sorry to say, I forgot her name. YIKES! I was supposed to speak in English, Florence in Cantonese, The Other Girl in Hokkien. But then it all changed, cause we realised we has to speak in Malay too. So we got another girl. So the turutan was:
Shan - English
Florence - Malay
The Other Girl - Hokkien
The Other Girl 2 - Cantonese

Hokkien was the funniest. She had to say stuff like..
Ah Ma, Ah Chick, Uncle, Aunty.. lu ho bo? Wa lang hap seng from S.M.K.P Methodist....
And stuff... We were pretty much laughing the whole way there.
Niway, we got there and started handing out food to the old folks there.

Then...... It was time...
Haha.. Well I got an awesome response I hadn't expected from them. They clapped and responded to all my questions. Oh Btw, I ended up being the MC throughout the whole thing. Me and The Other Girl. And we were conversing in HOKKIEN! Hokkien! You've no idea how ridiculous I sounded.

After MC-ing was done. We went to help clean up the place. I was assigned to the medical ward. Den Den Den!!!!!! * Horrendous music plays *


Had fun. A lot of fun. TEEHEE!!